Hi, my name is Cathy Maulin. 
I'm a mom, photographer, artist, and certified independent health coach. Born and raised in southern Colorado, I was an active athlete my entire life. When I had my two children I gained weight and struggled to lose it. I focused on being a stay-at-home mom, and found myself too busy to dedicate time to healthy eating & the active lifestyle that I once had. The weight gain continued and I was in mental & physical pain. I had trouble sleeping and couldn't tie my own shoes. I knew I needed a change. This began my lifestyle transformation!
I have lost over 100Ibs and in the process became a transformation coach, helping people live their best lives!
I'm Italian, and cooking has always been a centerpiece of my family. It's one of the reasons I struggled to lose weight! (Big Italian Dinners)
I didn't think that I could lose weight and still enjoy these family traditions. I was wrong, and now I'm able to enjoy delicious healthy meals based on my favorite recipes!
In an effort to show people how easy it is to cook tasty nutritious meals, my two sons and I started a cooking show. Thus, Cookin' With Cathy was born!
If you or someone you know needs help, let's connect!
Thank you!
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